I'm currently developing a mobile application called MournTogether, the purpose of which is to connect people who have lost a loved one. Before...
I had trouble understanding automated testing until I thought about pizza · When I started my first software engineering role at Candlelit Therapy back...
As software engineers, especially those of us working with legacy code, we often find ourselves caught in a familiar tug-of-war: should we focus on...
During my time at Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) on the Easel team, we once had a Customer-Delight-o-than or rather a sprint where we only focused on...
Why should we use one over the other? · Today I was reflecting on an interview I had last year where the interviewer said “At your last company, you used...
I am a software engineer who had a lifelong struggle with behavioral interviews. For one, I find them intimidating and it’s strange to talk about...